Archive for the ‘Spellen’ Category

Multi Variant

Saturday, September 27th, 2008

educatief spel spelconcept

Game concept & artwork
Educational publisher Nienhuis Montessori/Toys for Life       

MultiVariant is made up of two educational games: a domino game and a sorting game. Both games offer many possibilities in the area of comprehension constancy.


PictoSeries (PictoSerie) 1.0

Saturday, September 27th, 2008


computergame spelconcept Visitaal

Special games for special people: PictoSeries 1.0 is a package containing 4 educational computer games, specially designed for people with a communicative or intellectual disability. 

Visitaal Pictogrammen Foundation

spelconcept computerspel

Hoe? Zo!

Saturday, September 27th, 2008

TV programme, science games in prime-time 
Dutch Public Broadcasting (NPO) 

The popular scientific game show Hoe?Zo! is one of the most-watched TV programmes in the Netherlands.

An important component of this game show is the famous guests who, led by presenter Bart Peeters, conduct empirical experiments to find the answers to scientific questions, such as:

‘Why do people who are lost in the desert walk in circles?’  

Hoe? Zo! tv-format spelregels


‘How do you survive an avalanche?’

Hoe? Zo! tv-format


‘How do Newton’s laws work?’

Hoe? Zo! spelregels tv-format spelprogramma

The Helping Dutchman Award

Saturday, September 27th, 2008

Helpende Hollander Award

Commissioned by Dutch Evangelical Broadcasting (Nederlandse Evangelische Omroep), created the game concepts for this live TV show.

Three exceptional volunteers and their ambassadors compete against each other for the grand prize: the 2008 Helping Dutchman (Helpende Hollander) Award.

The events combine excitement, information and promotion surrounding the candidates’ projects.


Municipal Ombudsman promotional gift

Saturday, September 20th, 2008

relatiegeschenk Gemeentelijke Ombudsman, Gemeente Amsterdam

Game concept, artwork & production

City of Amsterdam 


Relatiegeschenk Toolkit Gemeentelijke Ombudsman burger


A special promotional gift to commemorate 20 years of the Municipal Ombudsman. This set of cards makes playful reference to the requirements for reasonable conduct (i.e. standards) that the ombudsman uses to work and conduct assessments.

Relatiegeschenk Gemeentelijke Ombudsman


Complex legal concepts have been translated into imaginary products reminiscent of the world of TelSell and Amazing Discoveries: 

Relatiegeschenk Gemeentelijke Ombudsman


This playful approach, with its slightly tongue-in-cheek perspective, is intended to arouse curiosity. The concrete information on the reverse side of the card serves as a reference guide, and explains the standards in more detail. These standards provide a good understanding of the demands made on the public official, who deals with citizens with a service-oriented approach. 

Relatiegeschenk spel Gemeentelijke Ombudsman


And of course the game component has not been forgotten: the kit contains a number of cases for the ombudsman which people can use as practice material. The report reference numbers on the cards allow people to check online which of the standards the ombudsman applied when assessing the each case. 





What’s Missing?

Saturday, September 20th, 2008

Game concept for a Sesame Street game
Artwork © Sesame Workshop
Jumbo International, Amsterdam

No. of players: 2 – 4
Ages: 3 and over

 A unique memory game with Ernie and Bert. This innovative application of magnetic counters means that anybody can do magic! As well as stimulating the memory, this fun, surprising game trains concentration and teaches young children to identify and group objects and numbers.

Wat is weg?

Short description:

Ernie can do magic! Place Ernie on top of the lid and shake carefully, and he will make things disappear!

Put Ernie on the lid and open the box… what is missing?

Can be played using illustrations or numbers, making it suitable for children aged up to 7 years.

Verpakking spel \'Wat is weg?\'

All knotted up

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

tv-format spelprogramma Teleac Not


TV game show ‘A knot in your hankie’ (Knoop in je Zakdoek)

TV formula: game show
Target audience: People with a mental disability

Dutch Public Broadcasting (NPO) 


knoopspel Teleac Not Spelpartners created a new TV formula containing a range of games for the popular Dutch television programme ‘Knoop in je zakdoek’, in which two teams of mentally disabled contestants battle each other in games that both excite and appeal.  


Knoopspel teleac Not format


spelprogramma format

Knoopspel tv-format Teleac Not






Kroko Loko

Thursday, August 14th, 2008

Kroko Loko, bordspel

Who can make the longest crocodile? 
Game concept & artwork 
Jumbo International, Amsterdam

Multi-player game
 Ages 4 and over, 2-4 spelers

Over a period of 5 years nearly 50,000 sets of Kroko-Loko have already been sold in the Netherlands (a country with only 16 million inhabitants), and is now a popular classic among children’s animal games. An inexpensive and fun game that children love to play, time and time again.


spel Kroko Loko, de zwemkrokodil


Short description:

Did you know that crocodiles are dangerous animals that eat anything that comes their way? In this game the more they eat, the longer they get.





By rolling the die and being sure to remember which animals are hiding where, your crocodile will eat more and get longer and longer. The player with the longest crocodile wins the game.


Kroko Loko: voorbeelden luchtdieren

Spel Kroko Loko: voorbeelden landdieren


Spel Kroko Loko: voorbeelden waterdieren



afbeeldingen dobbelsteen Kroko Loko